How to add a Customer or a Vendor?

Létrehozta: Deleted Agent, Módosítva ekkor Mon, 19 Dec, 2022 ekkor: 3:33 DU által Deleted Agent

To make a new Customer or Vendor, click the Partner+button

Here are the basic details, what is needed to issue an invoice

Only the Name field is required, everything else is optional 

First, you need to select this partner is a Customer or/and a Vendor. It's set to Customer by default, so you don't have to select every time.

Customers will appear in the Invoices and in the Quotes, and the Vendors in the Expenses.

You can add a discount only for this client, a TAX ID, a default payment method, and an account number

Here you can categorize the client

You can add a Billing address

And of course the Shipping address

Here is a video, if you want to see how to do it !!!! IN THE VIDEO YOU WILL SEE AN OLDER VERSION OF BIZXPERT!!! 

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