
Létrehozta: Deleted Agent, Módosítva ekkor Mon, 19 Dec, 2022 ekkor: 4:14 DU által Deleted Agent

 New Features 

1. Hide reports from additional users

You ask, we deliver. 

You want to add your staff or salesman to your account, but don't want to show them your yearly balance? That sounds reasonable. Now you can turn off the access from your report, from users.

If you want to add them permission just turn it on, like in this:

This is what the user sees without permission to reports:

2. Estimate, Sales order, Purchase order

You ask, we deliver again!

Now you can create Estimates, Sales orders, and Purchase orders from BizXpert.

Just go to the documents button (before the release it was Quotes) and select the right document type from the dropdown:

And this is how it will look like in the final document

In the documents page, you can see a new filter, which you can filter the different document types

3. Faster search in the create pages

You don't have to ever again press enter or click on the search icon when you write something in the Partner or Item field while you are creating invoices or documents because now it will automatically search and filter it for you.

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